KIMO International 35 years!
KIMO is a network of local governments working together for healthy seas, clean beaches and thriving coastal communities.
With more than 80 member municipalities in nine countries, we represent more than seven million citizens in Europe. KIMO was founded in Denmark in 1990. Our mission is to prevent pollution and to protect, conserve and enhance the seas and coastal waters of the Northeast Atlantic and the Baltic Sea.
KIMO Netherlands and Belgium 25 years!
KIMO Netherlands and Belgium, founded in 1999, is an association of all 33 coastal municipalities with the aim of keeping the North Sea, the coast of the Netherlands and Belgium clean and safe for future generations.
Over the past 25 years, we have carried out successful projects with great results. Projects are often carried out in consultation and cooperation with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (Min I&W) and the Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management (RWS). There is also cooperation with the Fisheries Sector, ports along the entire coast and municipal beach managers and volunteers. Examples include, the Green Deal Clean Beaches, the Green Deal Fisheries for a Clean Sea and the clean-up days of Dutch beaches.
Project Fishing for Litter
Our iconic project is Project Fishing for Litter, which we have been running for 24 years. With Fishing for Litter, fishermen take ashore the waste they catch while fishing at sea.
KIMO is the initiator of Fishing for Litter, working closely with Min. I&W, RWS, the Fisheries Sector, ports and waste processors. An average of 500 tonnes (500,000 kg) of litter is now removed from the sea every year. In the 24 years Fishing for Litter has been active, more than 8,400 tonnes (8,400,000 kg) of waste has been removed from the sea.
Jubilee conference
KIMO's anniversary conference on Thursday 10 October 2024 will focus on climate change, impact on the coast and recycling of waste streams.
Daarnaast zal KIMO Nederland en België haar nieuwe strategie en plannen voor de komende jaren kenbaar maken en presenteren. Gezien de grote ontwikkelingen aan en rondom de kust en de veranderende klimaatomstandigheden, lijkt ons een breed kustnetwerk van toegevoegde waarde. KIMO zal zich sterk gaan maken om dit kustnetwerk vorm te geven.
The anniversary congress coincides with several National and International meetings. You will find more information on this in the programme.
Thursday, 10 October
09:00: Ontvangst Entrepotgebouw, Dokkade in Harlingen, met koffie/thee
Start city walk led by Harlinger City Guides and visit the locations/sights listed below:
- Willem Barentsz, explanation of history, realisation and implementation etc.
- Bubble barrier
- Broken Jug
- Ship Brown Sailing Fleet ships, explanation of history
- Tour of Brewery Het Brouwdok
During the city tour, guests will be served local snacks here and there.
12:15: Lunch at the Brouwdok

Thursday, 10 October
Jubilee conference
14:00: Walk-in at the Entrepot building, Dokkade Harlingen
Opening of congress, by alderman Sijtsma and mayor Sjerps
Chairman KIMO Netherlands and Belgium. "KIMO 25 years"
Presentation KIMO International 35 years
Project Fishing for Litter "The flagship of KIMO" and Recycling by Bek and Verburg
Delta Commission Delta Programme and Knowledge Programme Sea Level Rise
Closing drinks and networking moment
19:00: Formal dinner (location to follow)

Accommodation options
KIMO Netherlands and Belgium has selected some hotels together with the municipality of Harlingen. If you intend to stay overnight, please send an e-mail to stating your name, position and the number of nights you wish to stay o.v.v. congres Harlingen. We will ensure that a room is booked for you.